"Promotion of agriculture and sustainable development"


Encourage home cultivation, thus favoring the environment, highlighting the importance of sustainability in our daily lives.

In addition to making consumers aware of the benefits of organic food for the environment, health, and in general for the maintenance of decent and sustainable lifestyles.

In this sense, we propose:

    Development of an environmental policy based on education and the implementation of ecological measures, to minimize the generation of pollutants.

  Development of a home garden based on recycled material favoring recycling and reducing waste.

     Saving and collecting rainwater to sustain our home garden.

     Encourage the consumption of green, fresh and chemical-free foods

Our campaign encourages the development of a home garden that favors environmental care as the transport of goods between the product and

the end customer is avoided.

Energy expenditure for transport is zero, helping to reduce emissions. Our campaign will be based on the organization of various ecological events, as well as informative talks, focused on the benefits of the production and marketing of naturally harvested products.


Vertical farming is a trend. Many are the advances that are being developed to tthis form of cultivation into the most feasible solution to feed the growing population on a world scale It is estimated that by the year 2050 the world population willreach 10,000 million people and 7 0% live in urban environments. These data are more important if we take into account that according to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), many households allocate betw een 60 and 80% of economic resources to food. This realit y opens a debate that revolves around looking for sustainable alternatives that are capable of feeding the entire population.

The option that resonates the most with the media, thanks in part to the interest that Silicon Valley has shown in developing precision agricultural technologies, is vertical farming, a term coined by Gilbert Ellis Bailey in 1915 in a book where defined the first methods of this innovative system, and it is for several reasons:

The area of arable land has been decreasing in favor of urban land. The vertical farm saves space.

      Cities can be used to cultivate thanks to the use of technologies such as hydroponics or aeroponics to cultivate plants.

     Production is closer to th e point of consumption.

      Growth capacity per cubic volume is maximized.

      It c a n be grown throughout the year-

      There is a better efficiency of water use.

    There is a union between ecological benefit and an attractive designs

   Vertical gardens present ot her additional benefits in everyday urban use: Lower the room temperature. Isolates noise pollution.

     - Improves air quality thanks to the process of photosynthesis and the aroma that different types of crops give off.

      It is easy to maintain.



Start by promoting caring for the environment

      Create awareness regarding the environmental problems that surround our planet Earth

      Make the most of rainwater, in this case in our garden.

      Practice and implement values that help create awareness

      Learn and promote the use of vertical gardens


randstad. (2020). Obtenido de randstad: https://www.randstad.es/tendencias360/huertos-verticales-la-tendencia-en-sostenibilidad/#:~:text=Los%20huertos%20verticales%20presentan%20otros,los%20distintos%20tipos%20de%20cultivos.


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